Thursday, 4 October 2012

Green Tea!

Anyone who knows me personally will tell you I am beyond obsessed with green tea! I drink it more than water and as you can see from the photos below I have accumulated quite a collection! My favourite so far is the Peach & Cherryblossom. It kind of tastes like perfume but in a really nice way (is that weird lol?!)

Anyway, most of us know that green tea is packed full of antioxidants so is really good for our skin and general health but did you know it also increases metabolism?! I can really vouch for this too because I definitely notice a difference in how slim I feel when I drink green tea. If ever I'm having a bit of a 'fat day' I just guzzle down loads of green tea and it never fails to make me feel better about myself! Some of the other benefits of drinking it include diabetes prevention, heart disease prevention, lower cholesterol, high blood pressure reduction and quite a few others!

In my opinion green tea is a wonder product and I can't recommend it enough!


  1. I've just started getting into green tea too :) xx

  2. Ive tried green tea and didnt really like it but im going to give it another go. xx

  3. I've never tried green tea but I'd like to!


  4. im keen to try green tea but im not sure what it will taste like:/ is it just like herbal tea? xx

    1. To be honest it took me a while to get used to the taste but now I love it! It's just a clean refreshing taste if that makes sense lol, try a flavoured one first, there's loads of there :) xx

  5. would love to! will head over to your blog now! xx

  6. I love drinking tea! :)

    Mind following each other?
